C-Surf One debut during FAF in Cologne

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  • C-Surf One debut during FAF in Cologne
C-Surf One - the first self-propelled modular mobile elevated workplatform

Exclusive debut during FAF

This year’s FAF was not just an event for us at CS Platforms - it was a milestone. For the first time, we introduced our modular mobile work platform, designed to transform how tradespeople work at heights to an exclusive group of stakeholders during the FAF event in Cologne.
The reception we received was nothing short of inspiring.

Global insights and positive feedback

We were thrilled to meet with stakeholders and potential customers from across the globe, including Australia, the UK, Switzerland, Germany, and the US. The diversity of perspectives enriched our understanding of the various market needs and confirmed the universal appeal of our innovative solution.

The C-Surf platform, the first self-propelled modular mobile work platform in the world, was on full display in both its transport mode and elevated position. Attendees could see first-hand how easily it transitions between these states, offering a practical glimpse into its day-to-day utility.

Gratitude for global support

The feedback and ideas shared by everyone were invaluable. These insights will guide the next stages of our product development, ensuring that we continue to meet the needs of our users effectively and efficiently. A special thanks to Tim from Dulux, Australia, for his great support and enthusiasm. His expertise and encouragement have been pivotal as we refine our offerings.

We are looking forward to the next steps

With the successful showcase during FAF in Cologne and the enthusiastic responses we've gathered, we are more motivated than ever to push forward. Our vision to enhance safety and efficiency for tradespeople globally has only just begun to materialize, and the journey ahead is exciting.

We look forward to bringing our modular mobile work platform into the hands of professionals worldwide, transforming everyday challenges into opportunities for efficiency and safety.